Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
It's Thunderstorm Weather! Check out the Thundershirt!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Cat Bites!!!
While we've been focusing on dog bites this week, cat bites can in some cases be more severe. Cat saliva contains a number of serious disease-causing bacteria. Cat bites can become abscessed or even cause infections of the blood stream (sepsis), bones, or joints. If you are bitten by a cat, and especially if the wound is on your hand, you should be seen by a doctor immediately. This is why we often have our technicians hold your cat for us when we are performing scary or painful procedures such as giving vaccines- while most kitties won't normally bite their owners, being in the clinic is a nerve-wracking experience and can make cats bite unexpectedly. We would hate to have you follow your vet visit with a trip to urgent care! Check out the link for more information about what else might make a cat act aggressively.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
DRY CAT FOOD RECALL UPDATE: Diamond Foods recall update: they've updated the list with the cat foods recalled. Kirkland Signature Super Premium Maintenance Cat Chicken & Rice Formula (Best Before December 9, 2012 through January 31, 2013) and Kirkland Signature Super Premium Healthy Weight Cat Formula (December 9, 2012 through January 31, 2013)
Link for Diamond recall of both Cat and Dog dry food. The cat food recall is new!
A Pennsylvania family of three is receiving post-exposure rabies vaccinations because a bat found in their home tested positive for rabies. If you find a bat in your home, it should be tested for rabies. Don't mess with rabies, folks - you'll lose. THIS IS ANOTHER REASON TO KEEP YOUR PET'S VACCINATED.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! A benefit in memory of the late, great Karl Mueller. Proceeds benefit Karl's Fund at the Minnesota Medical Foundation.
JUNE 17, 2012 - doors open at 6:30pm, music starts at 7:00pm. Tickets are $15.00. Proceeds benefit Karl's Fund (Karl Mueller) at the Minnesota Medical Foundation.
The Karl fund is a research fund Karl's wife Mary Beth had created. She has also set up a special page on Facebook about the fund.
The following is a description of the fund from the Facebook page:
In memory of my late husband I began a research fund at the University of Minnesota after Karl's death. The original donation was the remainder of the funds raised at Karl's benefit at the Quest shortly before his cancer returned. This fund is used in research for the early detection of esophageal cancer, the cancer that took Karl's life.
Please help out by joining and encouraging others to become a member of The Karl Fund group by visiting the following link!/group.php?gid=130296286993363&v=info
Check out the new Facebook page:
From the AVMA and HouseCall VetCARE: Deepest sympathies to those who lost their beloved pets (and patients) when an arsonist set fire to Tucumcari Animal Hospital in Tucumcari, New Mexico. We hope they catch the [insert word of your choice here] that did this. PLEASE CONTACT THE POLICE IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION!
Per AVMA: A new test that can detect and predict osteoarthritis (OA) before patients experience symptoms was developed by analyzing the joints of dogs with arthritis. Although this article focuses on how it could help human patients, animals are also affected by OA and this could be of real benefit.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
From the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): Do you have a new puppy or kitten? You want to make sure you're giving your pet the proper care he or she needs in order to be happy and healthy. Remember: it's necessary to keep up with preventive care. Taking care of your pet's health at the beginning of his or her life will help to reduce problems later on down the road.
This article has some great tips for preventing dog bites, especially among children. Remember: any dog can bite. These simple tips -- like learning to recognize canine body language, never leaving a small child alone with a dog, and teaching kids respect for dogs -- are easy to follow and can help keep your family safe.
Here is information about dog food from the nutritionist at the University of Minnesota.
Check for the AAFCO statement and buy a food made for your dog. If it's a puppy, get puppy food and if it's a big dog that exercises a lot go for a higher calorie count. You should also follow the feed directions on the bag.
Check for the AAFCO statement and buy a food made for your dog. If it's a puppy, get puppy food and if it's a big dog that exercises a lot go for a higher calorie count. You should also follow the feed directions on the bag.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
It's National Dog Bite Prevention Week! There are many things that you can do to avoid dog bites, ranging from properly training and socializing your pet to educating your children on how, or if, they should approach a dog. Information is one of the best cures for this public health crisis.
Here is the AVMA page on Dog Bite Prevention. The photo above is not directly from the AVMA but
has some very common sense information.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! A benefit in memory of the late, great Karl Mueller. Proceeds benefit Karl's Fund at the Minnesota Medical Foundation.
JUNE 17, 2012 - doors open at 6:30pm, music starts at 7:00pm. Tickets are $15.00. Proceeds benefit Karl's Fund (Karl Mueller) at the Minnesota Medical Foundation.
The Karl fund is a research fund Karl's wife Mary Beth had created. She has also set up a special page on Facebook about the fund.
The following is a description of the fund from the Facebook page:
In memory of my late husband I began a research fund at the University of Minnesota after Karl's death. The original donation was the remainder of the funds raised at Karl's benefit at the Quest shortly before his cancer returned. This fund is used in research for the early detection of esophageal cancer, the cancer that took Karl's life.
Please help out by joining and encouraging others to become a member of The Karl Fund group by visiting the following link:!/group.php?gid=130296286993363&v=info
Friday, May 18, 2012
MOST CURRENT DOG FOOD RECALL 5/19/12 - Diamond has issued another recall. This includes food that was sold in Minnesota. PLEASE CHECK YOUR BAGS!
The recall includes Diamond Naturals Small Breed Adult Dog Lamb and Rice Formula with the following bag codes and “Best Before” dates:
The recall includes Diamond Naturals Small Breed Adult Dog Lamb and Rice Formula with the following bag codes and “Best Before” dates:
- Bag Code DSL0801 26-Aug-2012
- Bag Code DSL0801 26-Aug-2012
- Bag Code DSL0801 27-Sept-2012
- Bag Code DSL0801 18-Oct- 2012
- Bag Code DSL0801 Samples
This is a great clinic in Burnsville, MN with excellent Veterinarians and staff! Check it out!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
This is TERRIBLE! Five people were arrested after authorities in Parker County (Texas) found 58 dogs and an 18-month old in a crib surrounded by human waste late last week.
If you know of any Animal Hoarding situations - please check out this link:
If you know of any Animal Hoarding situations - please check out this link:
Oh no! More info on the Diamond recall: an FDA inspection revealed a number of unacceptable practices.
This is a more complete report and contains the FDA report:
This is a more complete report and contains the FDA report:
National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May 20-26, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Cowboy JoJo wants to know if you remembered to clean the litter box? A good rule of thumb for litter boxes is one per cat in the house plus one extra. Keep them very clean and "inviting". Try to avoid having things in house that the cats could mistake for litter boxes! Below you will find a link to Ohio State's Indoor Cat Initiative. There are tips to help your cat enjoy life as an active indoor cat & litter box helpers.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
FREE SPAY/NEUTER opportunity through Pet Project Rescue - Minneapolis, MN - please take advantage and spread the word!!
PPR has 3 free spay/neuter clinics this summer for owned Bully Breed dogs in the Twin Cities. Clinics are 6/29, 7/27, & 8/31. There are 25 spots at EACH clinic. (must make less than $40,000 annually per household to qualify) Sign up now by emailing Please help spread the word by sharing!!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Now that spring is here -- and with summer just around the corner -- you'll want to know which plants in your garden could be toxic to your pets. AVMA member Dr. Denise Petryk, an emergency medicine vet and co-owner of The Animal Emergency Clinic / Puget Sound Veterinary Referral Center answers a reader's question in a Q&A with the Seattle Times.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Good news for pets: USDA-APHIS, which is the branch of the USDA that enforces the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), is proposing to change the definition of "retail pet store" to close a loophole and ensure that animals sold over the Internet and via phone- and mail-based businesses are better monitored for their overall health and humane treatment. Without this change, these dealers were able to exploit the loophole and be exempted from complying with the AWA. Way to go, USDA!
Right to be crabby!
All I can say is I would be crabby too if my owner came at me with a red rubber catheter and tried to give me enemas all the time (a client and her 21yr old cat),,,poor guy.
Told a client that I thought
her dog must have gotten nervous and expressed his anal glands. Well,
it turns out it was the owners perfume and not the dog's anal glands.
YIKES! That was hard to get out of gracefully & politely.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
#1 Worst Gross-factor memory: A client came in, took off her sandals and proceeded to rub her bare, nasty, smelly feet all over her dog while I was trying to examine him. YUCK!!! I've been pooped on (bloody diarrhea even), peeded on, hit by anal glands, vomited on, you name it...but that is by far the nastiest. |
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Low Blood Sugar!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Many recalls linked to same South Carolina food plant!
The plant is the same one that made mold-contaminated food that killed
dozens of dogs nationwide in 2005. And in 2009, cat food made at the
plant was recalled because it didn’t contain enough thiamine, an
essential nutrient for cats.
Diamond brand food recall has recently been expanded to include several more varieties of Diamond brand foods, as well as a number of other brands including Taste of the Wild, Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul, and Kirkland Signature. In addition, there are also recalls out for several varieties of Natural Balance and one variety of Wellness.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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